How Is the Future of Logistics Predictive?
The logistics industry is one that cuts across almost all sectors in business. Logistic firms are crucial role players in the flow of the supply chain. With the advancement in technology, the future of logistics is, without a doubt, predictive. Continued incorporation...
How the Covid Vaccine Could Pose Global Logistics Challenges
Now that Covid vaccines are finally being approved, governments are attempting to prepare for the distribution of a chosen vaccine to their citizens. Unfortunately, it turns out that before any vaccine can be used widely, countries will need to address issues with...
Efficient Logistics Critical for Post-Pandemic E-Commerce Boost
The growth of e-commerce has been a gradual but highly profitable one. E-commerce is said to have started in Bangladesh about a generation ago in the late 1990s. At that time, gift websites offering their wares to residents outside of Bangladesh was a successful...
How Will Covid Impact Peak Shipping Season?
Strict health regulations designed to curb COVID-19 are changing the way consumers shop. These changes are impacting the shipping industry in a number of different ways. Ocean Shipping According to the National Retail Federation (NRF) and Hackett Associates, total...
How Are Loyalty Programs Impacting Ecommerce and Logistics?
A loyalty program is a marketing strategy that "rewards" customers for repeatedly shopping with a particular company. Free or reduced-price merchandise are among the most common types of rewards. These rewards are typically earned by the customer when they sign up for...
What is Logistics Management?
When thinking about business and the flow of work, it’s very common to look to logistics management for help. This is the strategic process of organizing and implementing a business operation. Logistics management includes managing where materials are being placed and...
Tech Spotlight: Apple
Apple is quite possibly one of the most globally known tech brands in modern history. 64% of Americans own apple products, and an apple device exists in almost every country. The history of everyone's favorite startup is an entrepreneur's dream. The story begins with...
Mindful Tips for Increased Efficiency
Sometimes when we’re working, we hit a state of maximum efficiency and productivity. This state of pure creativity and focus is called flow. Mihaly Csikszentmijalyi, the psychologist who coined the term, describes it as “a state in which people are so involved in an...
Encouraging Employees
Encouraging employees is not merely about praising them or making them feel better. Done genuinely, encouragement can reward good deeds and empower employees to take charge of their position. The ability to encourage someone through positive and negative times is both...
Retaining a Strong Business Team
Because costs associated with employee turnover are increasing daily, organizations that keep employees think employee retainment is worth the time and investment involved. There are costs involved in hiring new employees and “soft costs.” The soft costs include...