Currently located in London, Sahr Ngegba is a business professional and owner working in the global logistics and freight industry. He inherited the business gene from the long line of business people in his family, starting with his great-grandmother, all the way down to his mother.
Sahr grew up like any other child. In school, he was always someone who wanted to get to the point. He often felt like his teachers were moving too slowly, and he wanted to be able to have control over his own pace of learning. Maths, physics and computer science were always subjects that came naturally to him and required him to spend little time studying, but still, he excelled on the exams.
Already an owner of several UPS franchises in Africa, in 2000, Sahr Ngegba relocated back to Sierra Leone in order to open up a freight forwarders business. Throughout his years in the industry, he has gained an extensive amount of knowledge and experience in the freight and maritime industries. His company has worked very hard throughout the years to maintain and win new contracts to keep the business prosperous.
Throughout his successful years with his business, Sahr started the largest indigenous haulage and trucking network in the country. Using the United Kingdom as a hub, he consolidated all of the purchases and supplies for SRL and African Minerals from all over the world.
Sahr Ngegba has always been motivated by achievement. Some people start a business because they dream of becoming rich. For Sahr, he is dedicated to the accomplishment that comes from putting together companies and systems. Money should never be the primary focus of your business. As a details person, he goes into the industry and masters the nitty-gritty. No matter the subject matter, Ngegba wants to understand why something is done the way it is, and how he can make that process more efficient. When building anything, Sahr is the kind of person looking at the details and working to make things perfect.
He is passionate about his work and is currently lobbying Kenya and Namibia to try and get their governments to get licensed and put systems in place. In the future, Sahr Ngegba hopes to see the integrity of data maintained in his industry. He is working to create a native environment that captures the data, forcing people to declare correctly, and increase the rebate on the continent of Africa.
Follow Sahr on this site to learn more about global cargo and logistics.
Questions? Comments? Get in touch with Sahr.
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