by Sahr Ngegba | Jan 11, 2021 | Blog, Logistics, Sahr Ngegba, Shipping Industry, Supply Chain, Uncategorized
The logistics industry is one that cuts across almost all sectors in business. Logistic firms are crucial role players in the flow of the supply chain. With the advancement in technology, the future of logistics is, without a doubt, predictive. Continued incorporation...
by Sahr Ngegba | Dec 9, 2020 | Blog, Logistics, Sahr Ngegba, Supply Chain
Now that Covid vaccines are finally being approved, governments are attempting to prepare for the distribution of a chosen vaccine to their citizens. Unfortunately, it turns out that before any vaccine can be used widely, countries will need to address issues with...
by Sahr Ngegba | Sep 30, 2020 | Blog, Logistics, Sahr Ngegba, Shipping Industry, Supply Chain
Strict health regulations designed to curb COVID-19 are changing the way consumers shop. These changes are impacting the shipping industry in a number of different ways. Ocean Shipping According to the National Retail Federation (NRF) and Hackett Associates, total...