by Sahr Ngegba | Jan 11, 2021 | Blog, Logistics, Sahr Ngegba, Shipping Industry, Supply Chain, Uncategorized
The logistics industry is one that cuts across almost all sectors in business. Logistic firms are crucial role players in the flow of the supply chain. With the advancement in technology, the future of logistics is, without a doubt, predictive. Continued incorporation...
by Sahr Ngegba | Jan 29, 2020 | Blog, Sahr Ngegba, Shipping Industry
Shippers are moving consistently toward sustainable and more digital solutions, which help cut supply chain costs and make purchasing more convenient for consumers. The concept of drop shipping has become central to online businesses that rely on shipping to complete...
by Sahr Ngegba | Sep 6, 2019 | Blog, Sahr Ngegba, Shipping Industry
For a long time, the shipping industry has been a significant contributor to global warming and climate change. Ocean-going ships contribute about 3 percent of the global carbon dioxide emissions. This trend is, however, gradually changing, by shipping companies and...
by Sahr Ngegba | Aug 7, 2019 | Blog, Sahr Ngegba
The world today is not new to trade wars and trade stand-offs between different countries. The most recent of such trade wars include the one involving the US and a host of other countries, including China and Mexico. These trade wars have unprecedented effects on the...